
Swim Faster than Phelps with this Sweet Dolphin / Whale Fin

I have always had a fascination with scuba diving and snorkeling.

And, more recently, our 10 year old has shown some interest in masks, fins, and snorkels. And her swimming skills right now, are getting pretty close to mine already. She definitely likes being out in the water and checking things out.

But, not too long ago, we saw an AMAZING new invention that can allow you to swim as fast (or faster) than Michael Phelps. And that caught our attention. Not to mention - it is a freaking cool idea.

I FINALLY found it last night when scouring the web. And I had to share it with you.

Happy trails!
clipped from www.lunocet.com

The lunocet was recently featured in Scientific American…

clipped from www.lunocet.com

We are surely within breach with a little more technique and a tad of Luno tweaking here and there…

clipped from www.lunocet.com
clipped from www.lunocet.com

Busy week end at the Lunocet factory with the History Channel show “Modern Marvels” coming for a visit. The production team was surprised by the CNC machine shop look and the colossal massive human made pound in the back:”We call it the sink tank guys!”(that’s what we said)

clipped from www.lunocet.com
o get the clear head, grab your Lunocet jump in a nearby body of water (bathtub might not be the ticket) and contemplate for a second how lucky you are to be able to have your entire body functioning properly to swim like a dolphin. Then proceed to pursue the breach. After an hour of waterworks go back to the office and face the day and the economy that goes with it, you will solve problems one after the other.

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