
Stunning New After Work Drink Hits the Market

It's a good thing I stumbled onto this drink tonight.

Chris is about to get home, in a little over an hour. And I can almost guarantee she will be ranting and raving about the lunatics that run the place.

So ...

Luckily I found this new drink that seems like the perfect way to help her caaaaalm down, sloooooow down, and chiiiiiiiil out.

I know I could go for one of these, most days when I leave the office.
clipped from

Under the premise that caffeine-packed drinks tend to increase anxiety, Slow Cow contains theanine, chamomile, valerian, passiflora and other ingredients known for their calming effects. The beverage is meant to increase mental awareness while improving relaxation, without the post-hit dip that caffeine and other stimulants cause.

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