Trying to figure out where we fit in? How we can survive? How to meet new people? All kinds of things have weighed us (and me) down.
So, just yesterday, Christy and I agreed that I would take a day to spend some alone time and try to figure things out.
Here's the main point I came up with: (if you care - if not you can stop reading 'til next time)
1. This was a big one for me -
Philippians 2:13 (in the Bible - and depending on the version you read) - I'm paraphrasing here:
It is God who is working in you... In other words God likes it and it pleases Him, when you 'DO' and 'ACT' according to His purpose.
What does that mean to me? God actually wants me to (He likes it) when I do the things He designed me to do.
From my studies, it is becoming clear to me that each and every person was created with a specific gift/skill/ability/talent/story that no other single person on this planet has. And with that gift, God wants you to do something with it. He has awesome plans for you.
Up until recently, I never realized that I had a gift. It's not something that I knew about when I was 5 years old, and have carried with me to this day. NO! Some people, I think, do actually know their gift from a very early age. But not me.
This whole move to Florida has made me search, and think about, and figure out what it is that I am actually supposed to be doing here. And this verse hit me like a brick wall the other day... God wants me to figure out my gifting, so that I can use it to do AWESOME things.
Never-the-less, what that lead me to was this...
I'm going to pursue my web business as long, and as far, and as high, and as deep as I can. It suits me. It suits my temperament. It inspires me, and it keeps me awake at all hours, and yet I still wake up motivated and energized to keep doing it. It's fascinating and enjoyable all wrapped up into one amazing package. And it seems to work for me.
Here's the rub - it doesn't cover my income enough yet. So I'm still going to have to work another job, probably part time, to make ends meet.
But after my time away, I fully feel this is what was inspired inside my spirit.
Thank you for sharing not only your physical journey, but the spiritual one too! I want to cheer you on, and tell you that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! I hope your web business FLY!
Hi there! I just clicked over to your blog from a post of yours on 2Peas... you said you're in Lakeland, FL, and that's where we're getting ready to move to soon! I'm so scared about moving so far from "home" to a strange place where I won't know anyone. It's good to "see" someone from the area!
exactly what you're talking about.
(you'll have to re-order podcast episodes possibly from 1 to 8)
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