
Something Amazing... a JOB.

Well - I am a little bit surprised to be saying this...

I had my 5th interview at this place, just this afternoon.

That's not the amazing part - apparently multiple interviews is normal these days.

What is amazing is this...

Before I left, they actually offered me a job. A real, legitimate, 100% bonafide position with their company.

Wait a second...

I had to pick myself up off of the floor after I said that.
Yep - it's true.

Actually it sounds very similar to the type of job I had at Komatsu. So I think I should be pretty capable of actually doing it.

Since there are only about 2 weeks left of actual school time, this has come at a perfect time.

Is it providence?

I guess I'm not sure how else to say it.
It has to be!

I haven't been able to get a full time job since July of 2007, and then... now that there's only 2 weeks left until schools out - I finally get one.

Some things just can't be explained under normal circumstances.

Sure, it seems simple enough, but there's just something amazing about how it all has fallen together at this time.

All the best,


El Guardia Rural said...

Congrats. Thanks for subsituting for me on thursday and friday.


Jason V said...

That it amazing actually....
I hope you've enjoyed your "time off" :)