By the end of the trip we were all getting tired of traveling and being on the road. Al tho it seems very glamours and all to travel and have a life of leisure. It actually can be very unsettling. At least that is how it felt for me. It was awesome and I am so glad that we had the opportunity to travel and see so many beautiful places here in the US. But doing that and not having a "home" that you know you will be going to is kinda hard on me. And I think for the girls too. I don't regret any of the time that we got to travel. Well with the exception of deciding to stay in Joplin, MO. But it sure was a relief to finally get to our destination state!
Here is what the girls did as we were crossing the state line!
And here is the odometer reading when we pulled into the Roberts home. The final destination of the entier long trip.
Yep that is nearly 7000 miles travel from Oregon to Florida with lots of wonderful stops along the way! So you can see now why the happy and excited looks on the girls and Al and I too. even tho I don't have photos of us. That is a heck of a lot of driving. and I will have you know that I did a good portion of that driving too. Even with the trailer on! I am no longer afraid to pull it. Just don't ask me to back the stinkin thing up.