
Photo Tips for Kids

Now that cameras are starting to be available (in price) to average families, and their children. We were thrilled to pick up a camera for our oldest daughter this last Christmas.

So, when I stumbled onto this article the other day ... offering tips of advice for kids ... I had to share some of the ideas with you.
clipped from www.examiner.com

Kids & Photography: Basic skills to get them off to the right start.

1. Have Fun
2. Experiment
3. Hold the Camera Straight and Steady
6. Find a Point of Interest

11. Review Your Children’s Images with Them
One thing that you can do to help your children drastically improve their photography is to sit down at the computer with them after they’ve been out with their camera to go through each shot. As you scroll through them have your child talk about their favorite photos and discuss why they like them. Pause to affirm them with what they’ve done well and to point out things that they could do better next time to improve their results. Pay particular attention to the shots that they do shoot well, as this will give them positive reinforcement and inspiration to keep going with their hobby. Remember be upbeat and encouraging! It is suppose to be FUN!

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